
Discover Mixto
Inspired by classic Spanish recipes Edu’s “mixto” concept uses only traditional seasonal Spanish ingredients. Their aim is to bring a fresh approach to Spanish cooking and dining in the UK. Xvavi’s objective was to drive the art direction and develop a brand identity for Edu.

Shoreditch & London Bridge

Paying close attention to Edu’s vision and “mixto” concept, Xvavi® decided to take a different approach when creating the brand identity and direction for Edu.
It was important the traditional aspect of Edu didn’t drive the art direction as this wouldn’t be a true reflection of the brands personality. Using “mixto” as a staple within the branding meant Xvavi® could conceive contrasting yet still complimentary designs in the form of illustrations. This immediately created a comforting sense of “casualness”, revealing a pleasant diversity against Edu’s more traditional Spanish inspirations whilst still showing recognition to the fun adventurous ideology of combined cuisines. A mixture of the old with the new, if you will.
These designs were then incorporated into the overall branding and marketing collateral. Web design and development also saw the conception of a feature which allows you to choose the colour of the website – again another tribute to the “mixto” approach.